June 3rd, 2015 | Webinars

Webinar: How to GET SMART with IP/AP Solutions and start saving money tomorrow
The role of the accounts payable (AP) department within any organisation has changed dramatically. The focus today is on control, co-ordination and analysis of key business processes. Unfortunately, it remains quite common for AP staff to spend a large majority of their time, manually entering data into an ERP system.
Don’t let this happen in your organisation!
By automating the capture to payment AP process, many best-in-class companies have driven their average cost per invoice down to £1.14.
The webinar will focus on how to digitise invoices at the point of entry versus digitising once the data entry has been entered manually. Point of capture scanning will allow businesses to convert their documents into useable data which can be entered automatically into relevant systems and processes. Technology advancements over the past five years means that automated processes such as these is now a real consideration to small and medium sized business.
Solutions will be presented from both Kofax and Cumulus Pro, illustrating how you get your IP/AP processing costs down to meet best-in-class performance. In combination with the new Canon / DR-C240 you will see how quickly you can start reducing your costs and increasing productivity. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET SMART