July 2nd, 2015 | Webinars

Get Smart Webinar: Digital Mailroom
So you think your digital mailroom is performing on 100%. Are you really sure ?
How to GET SMART on how a digital mailroom can outperform your business outcome.
For many companies the (digital) mailroom is the starting point of complex internal business processes handling volumes of data containing structured and unstructured information. Numbers, text and even imaging that needs to be handled to make your company operate in the most efficient and productive manner. This requires robust technology, experience and skills. Spigraph Network is combining front-running technology from ibml and Kofax, together with Spigraph’s undoubtable subject matter leadership, to make your digital mailroom outperform your business.
Do you want to know more?
Join Spigraph Network’s GET SMART Webinars where we provide you with real examples and proof points on how a digital mail room solution can optimize your business process, make it transparent and most of all how it can impact your bottom line. “Get smart” about how Spigraph Network can help you create an environment which provides faster processing time - leading to better client document handling, improving cash management but most of all enhancing customer satisfaction.
Mark your calendar and register today.
You cannot wait? Please visit us at the upcoming AIIM UK Forum on the 24th of June in London to schedule a 1-on-1 with one of our experts in IBML/Kofax digital mailroom solutions or to see our solution in live action.
Who must attend?
CEO, Compliance Officer, IT Manager, Archivist, Records Manager, CIO, Financial Controller/CFO, Project Manager, Process Owner, Information Analyst, Information/Systems Architect, Business Improvement Manager.
Watch the webinar recording:
Date: Thursday, 02.07.2015
Host: Cheryl Barker |
Guest Speakers:
Ashley Keil
Lee Bartholomeusz |